Organizations in Formation

Currently Forming Organizations

The following student organizations have submitted electronic paperwork to become officially recognized for the 2019-2020 academic year, but have not completed the registration process.  For more information about any of these organizations, please contact the Office of Student Affairs.

HGSE Expert Learner
The HGSE Expert Learner is an organization inspired by Professor Tina Grotzer and Professor Rhonda Bondie. Open to all HGSE students, our purpose is to bring classmates from different courses together to reflect and elaborate on their learning experiences. We hope to create a collaborative space, hosting activities like mind maps, and peer-review, for students to integrate different course materials and consolidate their understanding of academic concepts. We also hope to motivate students to practice applying educational frameworks in different cultural and national contexts. In the long run, we aim to inspire more fellows to become expert learners with cross-cultural awareness.

For more information, contact Kunlei He.